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Sexually Curious, Fashion Forward

Welcome to Sext Me. This is my very own passion project filled with unique fashion tips & tricks as well as some sexually stimulated engaging content. My goal is to show you how to express your sexuality, your true self, and explore fashion as a woman in the modern day world. Maybe even teach men a thing or two on women! Human sexuality should not be shamed it should be celebrated by women especially! So feel free to look around and explore my take on things, and I hope anyone reading this feels comfortable and confident in being their best version of themselves!

  • Writer's pictureSophia

Wifey Material isn't real....

Updated: Mar 10, 2019

I figured I would finally write something of value for the guys, and ladies I am sorry for this because some of you are going to get called out a bit. Constantly you will hear men use the phrase of "wifey material"! This is used when men view a woman worthy of potentially being their girlfriend and maybe future wife. This is judged differently by all men and it is when they feel a woman meets or over achieves these standards.. guys stop for one. But seriously listen up, most of you base this off of "dating" someone and she cooks for you occasionally, maybe even cleans up, does your laundry.... there are a lot of things I have heard from different men but you need to stop because your being "wifey catfished" 9/10x.

What does that mean you might ask, well a few things. The woman you are talking to or "dating" who is doing all of these things for you is usually trying to make a good impression. Nothing wrong with that, but I am saying this may not be the normal for them everyday. Meaning you may date this girl and 6 months down the road all of the things happening from the beginning of the relationship may stop. Everyone gets comfortable sometimes and that is not the issue! But a lot of you out there are trying to wife up women who still live at home and their parents do everything for them. Sometimes even worse, they live alone and their house won't even be clean. Laundry will be piled up for days and there is nothing in their fridge!

People these days are so stuck on being so perfect for everyone else rather than being their authentic self. So guys when your dating someone get all the facts, is it just a good impression or is it genuinely who this person is? And ladies be honest about your pros and cons that is what makes you unique, and if there is something you're insecure about work on it!

You'll thank me later :)

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